Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eating Out

Beeki and I are working hard at eating in as much as possible and learning to cook better. But sometimes it's nice to go out. And sometimes we just have to. A week ago we were in a hurry going about our evening and didn't have time to make it home. So we stopped at Outback and check out the awesome primal meal I was able to have with just one little substitution:

All I had to do was swap out the potato for some broccoli. It was great! And it was totally primal. Yum.


  1. Plus, I'm sure you burned a thousand calories just trying to get the meat out of the crab legs! Too much work for me! I went to the store to get some fake crab meat, but when I looked at the label I was greatly disapointed. They put when and corn stuff into it.

  2. Yummy food, Scott! And boo fake ANYTHING, Markie. I bet you can find good crab meat out of the shells, right?

  3. The hunting for the food is half the fun! It was delicious. And fake crab is disgusting.
